The Master filter whole-house backwashing purification system quietly protects every household.

For those living in high-rise buildings or communities, perhaps you haven't deeply considered that drinking water accounts for only 2% of total water usage, yet it directly impacts the health of every resident. Every drop of water represents the care and protection of the living environment!

Whether you reside in a luxury high-rise or a community residence, the Master Filter whole-house backwash purification system silently guards every household.

For community high-rise buildings, Global Water Solutions offers a community shared leasing plan with zero hidden costs. You just use it, and we'll take care of the rest, all for just NT$200 per household, ensuring that every family member can enjoy a perfectly clean water experience.

Let's work together to safeguard the purity of your living environment's water quality.

NT$200 per household
Advantages of leasing
Leasing Plan
per day
Only5 dollars
  • 5 dollars=800 liters of household purified water
  • 5 dollarsis less than the cost of a single bottle of beverage
Yet it ensures optimized water usage for an entire family