Descaling System has been applied as an environmentally friendly water treatment technology in residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal sectors for over 25 years.

It operates without needing electricity, chemicals, or any movable parts.
This technology has been utilized in some of the world's largest commercial and industrial enterprises to address issues related to scaling, corrosion, and other water treatment challenges. Over 300,000 Descaling Systems have been installed worldwide.

The primary function of the Descaling System is to inhibit and prevent scaling and corrosion in pipelines, heat exchangers, plumbing, electrical components, and processing equipment.

It is a patented product based on the principle of electrostatics. The electrostatic units utilize the dielectric properties of metallic materials and combine them with the hydraulic cavitation generated during the treatment process to force hardness ions in water to precipitate into solid crystals.

These crystals do not adhere to equipment surfaces, thereby eliminating existing scale and preventing new scaling.

The zinc anode (dry conductive connection) included in the Descaling System prevents downstream pipeline corrosion and gradually converts loose red Fe2O3 inside pipelines to black Fe3O4.

Product Features
  • 01   
    Reduced Operating Costs
  • 02  
    Extended Equipment Lifespan
  • 03  
    Decreased Maintenance
  • 04  
    Reduced Downtime
  • 05  
    Lower Energy Consumption
  • 06  
    Reduced Use and Storage of Chemicals
  • 07  
    Decreased Corporate Safety Hazards and Employee Health Risks

  • German Technical Inspection Association (TÜV)
  • National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) in the United States
  • UK Water Industry Advisory Scheme (WIAPS) certification
  • French Health Certification Authority


Solutions and Problem Solving

Scaling and Corrosion Issues

The equipment surfaces experiencing scaling and general corrosion restrict water flow, clog systems, reduce system efficiency, and lead to costly equipment downtime and increased maintenance expenses.

Using chemical substances to address these issues can result in high costs for chemicals, environmental pollution, and associated health and safety risks.


Structural Issues

Reduced performance, increased energy consumption, and water usage

Corrosion Issues

Reduce equipment lifespan and increase maintenance costs

Descaling System uses scale inhibition and corrosion prevention technology in cooling and process water systems., resulting in significant energy savings, water conservation, and reduced chemical usage.

Operating Principle

Operating Principle

  • Descaling System descaler does not prevent the precipitation of hardness, but rather forces hardness ions to precipitate into solid crystals in water.
  • These crystals nucleate as geometrically unrestricted forms throughout the pipeline system, making it difficult for them to adhere to the surfaces of pipes or equipment.
  • In a multi-pass system, individual crystal particles accumulate and grow large enough to be filtered out by the screening process.
  • Once salts are precipitated or removed, they are much less likely to cause various issues.
  • Gradually, as the concentration of hardness in water saturates and is removed, scaling is progressively "eaten away."

Actual Achievement

Actual Achievement of Descaling System 

Descaling System has earned the trust of globally renowned companies. Below are examples of customers who use this product, provided for reference.